a bawdy old manの例文
old time bawdy sea shanties
Another version & mdash; " Lulu " & mdash; was recorded by Oscar Brand on his 1958 " Old Time Bawdy Sea Shanties ".

2000 year old man
Factory for the 50th anniversary . " The 2000 Year Old Man : The Complete History" "The Wit and Wisdom of the 2000 Year Old Man " will be published by HarperCollins this year. Brooks adapt......

a decrepit old man
Jill, however, decides to stay, and watches Obed Marsh, a decrepit old man, clean up the hall. Only last summer he had looked like a decrepit old man openly sobbing at his wife's funeral. ......

a dirty old man
Brundage, she said, was " a dictator and a dirty old man ." Coppelius, as even implied in some traditional versions, is a dirty old man. He played a dirty old man in the promotional video ......

a feeble old man
La馻do, a feeble old man, died under this treatment. But do not let his wrinkled face and toothless grin deceive you, he is not a feeble old man. Galba, described by Tacitus as a feeble old......

a feisty old man
The play, which she wrote, chronicled in words and movement the attempt of a feisty old man to come to terms with the effects of a stroke.

a grand old man
Twenty years ago he was considered a grand old man of fashion. I remember he was a grand old man in white linen suits. Nor was I yet a grand old man of literature. Paul Simon is a grand ol......

a grumpy old man
"He's not a grumpy old man ." He's less attractive as a grumpy old man. Turning Peter Falk into a grumpy old man took a lot of doing. Dave Meggett was acting like a grumpy old man. Are you......

a man is as old as he feels
A man is as old as he feels and a woman is as old as she looks A man is as old as he feels A man is as old as he feels , and a woman as old as she looks

a very old man with enormous wings
A few months later they collaborated with Kneehigh Theatre from Cornwall and a Cypriot theatrical company in a dramatic presentation called A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings in Birgu. In ......

a wise old man
A word from a wise old man could help every now and then. A wise old man told me never to leave any money on the table. He comes upon a wise old man who teaches him how to fight, but disco......

an old man
An old man has certain things in common with an old car. An old man like Trevor Berbick is talking about making a comeback. Would you let an old man buy you a cup of coffee? No . No . He w......

an old man and his grandson
Rather than implying a defect of character, " An Old Man and his Grandson " invites appreciation of the man's virtuousness. In one story ( " The Door to Women " ) an old man and his grands......

"Absolutely Fabulous " is grandly bawdy and uninhibited. They've been bawdy and they've been drunk. Too high, perhaps, for gaudy, bawdy 42nd Street. Rated : PG _ mature themes, scattered h......

bawdy blues
For that, consider another time-honored song form : the bawdy blues. Murder ballads and bawdy blues open avenues of desire that are usually repressed : jealousy and humiliation in the form......

bawdy house
Under the Bawdy House law, she faced immediate eviction. Jack Service went into a bawdy house thinking it was still a girls'boarding school ." Etoile visits the bawdy house to take her dan......

bawdy song
Some restaurateurs decline guests who sing bawdy songs at the table. It included his advertising jingles, bawdy songs and a book. The " Page " sings a bawdy song about Cupid. Children's ga......

bawdy tales
They studied hard and enjoyed discussing philosophy and literature and telling bawdy tales. These riotous bawdy tales remained crowd favorites in Kingston's open-air theatres. The bawdy ta......

coniston old man
On the east its boundary streams converge at 800 ft and the flanks of Coniston Old Man and Wetherlam continue to the lake. Coniston Old Man, the highest summit in the group, is the farthes......

crazy old man
The crazy old man knows what he's talking about .' He's the storyteller and a crazy old man. "You mean the crazy old man ? " said forward Martin Dahlin. I think I really could just be that......

crooked old man
It's pinched and bent over, like a crooked old man.

departure of a grand old man
Yakov Protazanov made " Departure of a Grand Old Man ", a biographical film about Lev Tolstoy. His most notable works of that period are " The Song of the Prophet Oleg " based on Alexander......

diary of a mad old man
Merchant and Ivory were interested in filming an adaptation of the classic novel by Junichiro Tanizaki, " Diary of a Mad Old Man, " but instead of Japan, they planned to set the story in t......